Chih-Chieh Yang

Graduated from the Department of Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Taiwan.
Be passionate about learning unknown knowledge and eager to try new things.

Chih-Chieh Yang (Patrick)

Patrick graduated from the Department of Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University(國立陽明交通大學), Hsinchu, Taiwan.

During his college tenure, he've delved into various academic domains, including physical optics, image processing, and deep learning. By merging expertise in these domains with adept programming skills, he can effectively analyze and address advanced challenges within the engineering and academic realms.

Field Description
Optics Geometric optics, Fourier optics
Image processing Feature engineering, Color engineering


Here are the collection of my projects in the past.

LCoS experiment

Liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) is a device capable of modulating light on amplitude and phase. Thus, it could be used to realize hologram with phase modulation by diffraction. Coming soon...

Gaussian optics visualization

In the course of physical optics, the mathematical expressions of Gaussian beam may be difficult to understand. Thus, I makes some graphs for different kinds of Gaussian beams to visualize. More...

India logo

(North) India, 2024 Feb - Mar

Four weeks adventure in India

#backpacker #adventure #solo-trip

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New Delhi, 2024 Feb

The capital of india

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Amritsar, 2024 Feb

Sikh holy place

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Varanasi, 2024 Feb

The entrance to heaven

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Bodh Gaya, 2024 Feb

The place where Buddha enlightened

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Agra, 2024 Feb

A place to witness the misery of love

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Jaipur, 2024 Feb

The Pink City

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Jodhpur, 2024 Mar

The Blue City

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Jaisalmer, 2024 Mar

The Golden City

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Udaipur, 2024 Mar

The White City

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Mumbai, 2024 Mar

City of Dreams

Get in touch

If you have any questions about me, please feel free to contact me. I'll reply to you as soon as possible.